Produse pentru paleți cybex (3)

Piele+Blană Vital - este un supliment alimentar complet natural care contribuie la intensificarea...

Piele+Blană Vital - este un supliment alimentar complet natural care contribuie la intensificarea...

Beckers Haut & Fell Vital ist ein rein natürliches Ergänzungsfuttermittel und trägt zur intensiven Versorgung mit vielen wichtigen Nährstoffen des Organismus bei. Zusammensetzung: Bierhefe (Getr.), Schwarzkümmelsamen, Seealgenmehl, Mariendistelfrüchte, Traubenkernmehr, Gingkoblätter, Brennesselblätter, Spirulina, Sanddornfrüchte. Analytische Bestandteile:Rohprotein 26,80%, Rohfett 10,30%, Rohasche 17,30%, Rohfaser 4,70%, Natrium 0,51% Fütterungsempfehlung: Hunde geben Sie einen 1/2 Teelöffel je 10 kg Körpergewicht über das Futter.
Capsule Lactopro - Capsule și tablete

Capsule Lactopro - Capsule și tablete

Nutritional supplement with selected probiotic bacteria and zinc. Each Lactopro Capsule contains at least 1 billion lactic acid bacteria of the following strains: Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus. These bacterial strains contained in Lactopro capsules are only released once in the digestive tract and thus directly enter into the intestinal flora. Among other things, zinc is important for a functioning immune system and contributes to a normal acid-base balance, carbohydrate metabolism and fatty acid metabolism. Lactopro is free of gluten, yeast and lactose. Art. No.:159
Pudră Gelat-PLUS® 3x 500 g - Capsule și tablete

Pudră Gelat-PLUS® 3x 500 g - Capsule și tablete

Dietary supplement made from specially developed collagen hydrolyzate plus calcium, magnesium and vitamin C. The amino acids contained in this special gelatine are natural components of your skin, hair, nails, bones, connective tissue and joint cartilages. Gelat-PLUS® is characterized by a very high bioavailability, which means that the collagen hydrolyzate is absorbed very well by the body. The composition of the amino acids corresponds to the compounds of collagen in human articular cartilage. Magnesium and calcium take a substantial part in the forming of the inorganic substance of bones and teeth. Magnesium supports normal functioning of the muscles, especially in sports and physical activity, and thus promotes the well-being - even at night - by relaxed muscles and calves. Vitamin C contributes to a normal formation of collagen for a normal, healthy function of bone and cartilage. Art. No.:1781